
Showing posts from February, 2018

Leadership Summit

Caroline, Audrey, and I met to discuss our upcoming group facilitation since we all present within the same week.  Everyone discussed the ideas that they had for their facilitation and what frames of reference they had in mind for their population and activities.  I was struggling to think of a second activity for my group on grocery shopping, and so Audrey suggested that I could have an activity that works on putting away groceries in the correct spot. I ended up using this idea for my second activity. During this meeting, we bounced ideas off of each other and gave suggestions when needed. Hearing my peers ideas and recommendations was very beneficial since we were all still in the process of creating our group facilitation draft.  It's beneficial to collaborate with peers since they can offer a new perspective or insight about the assignment.

Group Facilitation Reflection #1

My topic for group facilitation was conflict resolution. We started off by welcoming everyone back to our group session and then we explained our topic and stated why it was important. Sarah did a warm-up activity that involved asking members of the group to discuss a moment in their life where they had a conflict. Then another member in our group explained the expectations for the group and what we were planning on doing for the rest of the   session.   I think that our introduction went very smoothly.   After the introduction, I facilitated the first activity which was a conflict management style assessment. After the activity, I asked the group questions to help facilitate reflection and insight. I was adequately prepared for this activity and gave clear directions. I should have discussed more with the group about how to use conflict styles that were out of their comfort zones. In the future, I will try to discuss more specific strategies that people can use t