
Showing posts from 2018

Level 1C Fieldwork Debrief


Peer Reviewed Journal Article

Brief Summary and critical reflection This article titled "An Infant and Toddler Feeding Group Program" discusses the benefits of support groups for families who have a child with feeding problems. It is not uncommon for kids with disabilities or children who spend a long period of time in the NICU to have feeding problems. There could be a variety of reasons why a child may grow to have a poor relationship with most foods. This article examines support groups for families of children with feeding problems, which the article argues is a much less expensive intervention than inpatient or outpatient treatment. The group members were able to discuss with each other strategies, concerns, needs, and the struggles that they were going through. This helped parents formulate new feeding strategies as well as form a sense of community and common ground with other people who were going through the same things. Although, this article didn't find specific increases in calorie count

12 Step Meeting Reflection

  Attending an AA meeting was a very eye-opening and humbling experience. I was very much out of my comfort zone sitting in my chair waiting for the meeting to start.  The role of the facilitator in this meeting seemed facilitative since the leader seemed to have a plan for how the meeting would go but he made a point to let the conversation guide the group. He opened the meeting with a prayer, and then asked if there were any "fist-timers" attending. The facilitator encouraged other people to speak throughout the meeting by opening up the floor for people to comment on sections of what we were reading. There were one or two people who spoke up several times during the meeting so the facilitator asked, "Does anyone who hasn't spoken yet today want to add on to that?" This helped give people courage to speak up and contribute.  I think that overall, the session was therapeutic. Hearing other people's stories can help us grow and heal.  The  meeting was lo

Group Facilitation Reflection #2

My topic for group facilitation was grocery shopping. I started off group by introducing myself and explaining to everyone that this group was designed for people with a cognitive disability. I challenged the group to think about how the activities could be difficult for someone with a cognitive disability. I discussed the group topic and then gave a brief overview of the agenda.  The group started off with a warm-up activity that was modeled after the Price is Right game.  For the first activity, I handed out a map of a grocery store and a shopping list and I had the group members create a route through the store to get all of the items on the list. After the activity, each group members discussed one thing that they found challenging about the activity. Then, we discussed strategies and tips for planning a route through the store.  I tried to give clear instructions to the group using concrete terms. For the next activity, I had the group members figure out where it

Leadership Summit

Caroline, Audrey, and I met to discuss our upcoming group facilitation since we all present within the same week.  Everyone discussed the ideas that they had for their facilitation and what frames of reference they had in mind for their population and activities.  I was struggling to think of a second activity for my group on grocery shopping, and so Audrey suggested that I could have an activity that works on putting away groceries in the correct spot. I ended up using this idea for my second activity. During this meeting, we bounced ideas off of each other and gave suggestions when needed. Hearing my peers ideas and recommendations was very beneficial since we were all still in the process of creating our group facilitation draft.  It's beneficial to collaborate with peers since they can offer a new perspective or insight about the assignment.

Group Facilitation Reflection #1

My topic for group facilitation was conflict resolution. We started off by welcoming everyone back to our group session and then we explained our topic and stated why it was important. Sarah did a warm-up activity that involved asking members of the group to discuss a moment in their life where they had a conflict. Then another member in our group explained the expectations for the group and what we were planning on doing for the rest of the   session.   I think that our introduction went very smoothly.   After the introduction, I facilitated the first activity which was a conflict management style assessment. After the activity, I asked the group questions to help facilitate reflection and insight. I was adequately prepared for this activity and gave clear directions. I should have discussed more with the group about how to use conflict styles that were out of their comfort zones. In the future, I will try to discuss more specific strategies that people can use t